
Currently, the following selector segment syntaxes are supported:

  • <text> Search for images that has %text as a part of its text.
  • +<tag> Search for images that has %tag in its tags.
  • -<tag> Exclude images tagged with %tag from search result.
  • @<id> Search for images with id. Wildcard(*) is supported.
  • uploader:<username>: Search for posts uploaded by %username.
  • rating:<rating>: Search for posts rated as %rating. Can be n for none, m for moderate and v for violent.

Note: <var> means var is a mandatory field.

Search result will update when new segment is entered.

Multiple segments are concatenated by a logical AND operator.

For example, to search for all posts that are tagged with nmsl but not tagged with wcnm, and contains as a part of its text:

+nmsl -wcnm 我
Last Updated:
Contributors: MoveToEx