This page describes some common object types shared by all api endpoints.

Note that some endpoints may have respective extra fields. Refer to their document for details.



type Rating = 'none' | 'moderate' | 'violent';


type User = {
    id: number;
    name: string;


type Tag = {
    id: number;
    name: string;


    id: string;             // UUID v4
    text: string;
    rating: Rating;
    image: string;          // id + extension
    imagePath: string;      // Server side storage path. Will be removed
    imageURL: string;       // Full URL
    imageHash: string;      // A 64-char 01 string
    createdAt: string;      // ISO formatted creation date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.mmmZ)
    updatedAt: string;      // ISO formatted last update date
    uploaderId: number;     // May be null for legacy posts
    tags?: Tag[];           // Tags. Will be undefined in some routes
    uploader?: User;        // Uploader. May be null for legacy posts

Note that due to limitations of Prisma, some unnecessary fields cannot be omitted from the result. These fields will be removed once the omitApi of Prisma becomes generally available.

Last Updated:
Contributors: MoveToEx